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The Future of aftersales

Maximize the aftermarket potential with Clientry Salesforce add-on


Extend your salesforce ecosystem to cover aftersales opportunities

The traditional aftersales process is slow and cannot scale. Digitalization in after-sales service is increasing importance. See what Clientry provides to you.


Re-think your business model by structuring your offerings to containers


Intuitive user inteface brings out your aftersales potentials by utilizing exsisting sales and product information


Iniciate aftersales opportunities for portfolio of assets with few clicks


Transforms data from multiple sources into a meaningful context

Aftersales service is strategic success factor. Particularly in times of economic slowdown – when sales of new products decreases significantly

the service sector proves to be the stabilizer for turnover and profits. This must be exploited.


Top line growth

Understanding the opportunities related to your own install base will help you identify potential customers for additional products or services and targeting specific customer segments.

This will generate more revenue through repeat purchases, upgrades, and additional services.

Increased customer loyalty

Having an established install base of assets will lead to increased loyalty as these customers are likely to continue using your product or service

Better customer insights

Having an install base allows you to gather valuable data and insights on your product or service.

Streamlined processes 

Combining asset information helps predict future product and service usage, demand and potential issues. With access to detailed information about a customer’s install base, you can provide more effective customer service and support.

Ready to use Clientry?

Find the new way to track your assets – combine latest integrations – create a uniq view to your service portal – expand your aftersales opportunities – provide future needs to your customers